In naval gunnery is is easier to fire directly at a target. So more often shots are over or under, BUT NOT to the left or the right of a target.
这一段跟tm目标舰首和舰尾朝向 射击舰命中率有关系吗。。。而且都是废话。。。试射的目标不就是不断形成夸射吗 说左边右边的没有意义啊 而且近弹学名叫short,左右偏叫deflection。学名都不叫不出来 还好意思设计战棋
In turn, as range increase so does the spread of shells in a salvo. Some nations had more trouble with this (salvo spread) than others - and guns. So Germany in WWI had tight salvo spreads, while the British 12-in and 9.2-in were terrible but by the time the 15-in gun was introduced the problem had been solved.
着弹点的散布大小是和距离有关。。。但还是偏离了咋们话题啊——目标舰首和舰尾朝向 射击舰命中率的关系。。。举例英国佬的12寸和9.2寸 15寸的例子还是在扯无关话题。。。
So at close to medium range I like to give an advantage for a firing ship firing on a ship that is bow or stern on - sort of raking shot.
纵射是增加伤害(风帆时代之所以玩纵射是因为炮弹可以穿透整舰造成很大伤害)命中率是在降低的好不好啊。。。伤害和命中率混为一谈 我不知道他怎么想的。