发表于 2019-8-10 16:52:31
本帖最后由 Ashdoll 于 2019-8-10 16:57 编辑
R Wing: Defend between Wilkerson Pike and the Franklin Road with the line oriented roughly north to south, facing east.
L Wing: 3-L is ordered to cross Stone’s River at McFadden’s Ford and move south to attack and capture Wayne’s Hill (23.27, 24.26, and 24.27). 1-L will wait until 3-L is abreast and then cross Stones River at the ford at 18.23 and join in the attack on Wayne’s Hill.
C Wing: After L Wing has captured Wayne’s Hill, attach 2-L and attack to capture the RR and Nashville Pike bridges across Stones River.
2-1-Cav: Defend the rear of R Wing and the bridge in hex 26.01.
Pioneers: Defend McFadden’s Ford.
Union Special Rules: Rosecrans cannot issue an order until the 8:00 am game turn